Study Guide: Computer Science

Computers, tablets, mobile phones, smart watches – all these are getting more common now than ever before. You are reading this on one of these devices and most probably are using another one of these devices too. All these devices work on the principles of computer science. Technology changes more rapidly today than ever before. There is a new update almost every month.
A computer science degree helps you take a scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications. You learn how to use these computations to create well-defined models to process information – new softwares, new apps, utilizing data to help make the world a better place.
You learn to analyse the feasibility, structure, expression, and mechanisation of various processes such as acquisition, representation, processing, storage, communication, and access of information. You deal with “bits” and “bytes” throughout the course and even later.
General Entry Requirements for Computer Science Programs
For undergraduate students, a background in mathematics is must. However, you are not expected to have studied Computer Science in school. But, it is highly recommended that you learn some computer language in school to get a better understanding of the topics at college.
Colleges in the US will need you to score well in Class 9, 10, 11 and also on the SAT or ACT. However, most colleges out of the US do not need you to take an entrance test but will need you to take an English Language Proficiency Test – IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, or Duolingo.
For graduate students, a background in Computer Science is much needed. A proficiency in math will be an added advantage. For most top programs across the globe, you will need to take the GRE and get a good score. A good enough score can even get you a scholarship at one of the top schools.
Possible Specialisations in Computer Science
You study a plethora of subjects in Computer Science ranging from operating systems to information theory to programming to software developing and testing to data structures. You later choose among some of the latest and ever-growing list of specialisations such as Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Computational Logic, Ethical Hacking, Computer Networks, Computer Vision etc.
Here are some of the most popular specialisations:
- Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) takes you through problem-solving, decision-making, learning and communication, decision-making, and communicating through computers and mobiles. You will make the machines work to make them more efficient. You will develop specific behaviours and patterns in machines to make them work in your desired requirement.
2. Data Science
Do you love numbers and the insights that they can provide you for the various fields? If yes, then you should look for a specialisation in Data Science. You will use programming skills, statistics, and machine learning to fend useful information from big data. This information can help you or your company or the government to predict the future. Your skills in data science can help companies improve decision making, hiring, targeting, and profits.
3. Computer and Network Security
You will improve softwares and keep the systems away from security risks. You will learn database management, advanced operating systems, cryptography, and advanced encryption strategies.
4. Mobile and Web Computing
Almost everyone has a mobile device these days, hence, mobile computing is one of the most sought after specialisations. You will make the transmission of data, voice, and video simpler, more efficient, and faster in the future.
5. Bioinformatics
Can computer science help in reducing the effects of a future pandemic? Yes, at least the Bioinformatic engineers think so. You will work on analysing biological data. The two major activities that use this application are genomics and proteomics.
Here is a list of the Top 10 Universities for Computer Science
- MIT (US)
- Stanford University (US)
- Carnegie Mellon University (US)
- University of California, Berkeley (US)
- University of Oxford (UK)
- University of Cambridge (UK)
- Harvard University (US)
- EPFL (Switzerland)
- ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
- University of Toronto (Canada)

Top 10 Universities for Computer Science in the US
Stanford University
Carnegie Mellon University
University of California, Berkeley
Harvard University
Princeton University
University of Washington
Columbia University
New York University

Top 10 Universities for Computer Science in UK
University of Oxford
University of Cambridge
Imperial College London
The University of Edinburgh
King’s College London
University of Manchester
University of Warwick
University of Southampton

Top 10 Universities for Computer Science in Canada
University of Toronto
University of Waterloo
University off British Columbia
McGill University
Université de Montreal
University of Alberta
Simon Fraser University
Queen’s University
McMaster University
University of Calgary

Top 10 Universities for Computer Science in Australia
University of Melbourne
Australian National University
University of Sydney
Monash University
UNSW Sydney
University of Queensland
University of Technology Sydney
Queensland University of Technology
RMIT University
University of Adelaide

Top 10 Universities for Computer Science in Germany
Technical University of Munich
RWTH Aachen
TU Berlin
Technical University of Darmstadt
Universitat des Saarlandes
Freie Universitat Berlin

Top 10 Universities for Computer Science in India
IIT Bombay
IIT Delhi
IIT Kanpur
IIT Kharagpur
IIT Madras
IIT Roorkee
IIT Guwahati
BITS Pilani
Indian Statistical Institute

Top 10 Universities for Computer Science in Asia
Tsinghua University
Peking University
The University of Tokyo
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
University of Hong Kong

Top 10 Universities for Computer Science in Europe
University of Oxford
University of Cambridge
EPFL Switzerland
ETH Zurich
Imperial College London
University of Edinburgh
The University of Munich
Université PSL, France
Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Now, you have all the information you need to select where to study and what to study if you are interested in studying Computer Science. For any further information or any detail, you can connect with an admission/subject expert from the Wizius Team.
Tags:Computer Science Computer Science Programs Graduate Admissions Top Colleges Top Graduate Programs Top Universities Top Universities for Computer Science Top Universities in Australia Top Universities in Canada Top Universities in Germany Top Universities in the USA Top Universities in the World Top Universities in UK Undergraduate Admissions